
My name is Orion van Rooy. I am currently a Junior at UMW and a History major, with a special interest in Nazi Germany and Austrian history. Broader topics such as World War II and the Victorian Era pique my interest as well. Despite my deceitful accent, I am from Austria (like the song!) and I have been living in the United States for the last three years to four years.

Pictured above is a meme chronicling the different meme trends over the last three decades. Although at first glance it all seems to be the same overwhelming aescthetic, the nuances and niches of each trend remain starkly different. The characters featured, the platforms used, the inside references and especillay the types of humor have drastically evolved and multiplied at ever increasing speeds.

My personal interest in the Information Age is the phenomenon of memes. The unique speeds at which they appear, disappear, reappear, the bizarre and surreal cultures and subcultures they create, and especially the near indecipherable humor that they have spawned remain a defining anchorpoint in how our societies have become more and more melded with internet spaces. Most fascinating of all is how certain political sympathies and ideas can be packaged and distilled through memes, with those political ideals shifting to fit the most current niche on the internet so that it becomes as appealing to users as possible.